Selections from Kabuki Plays:
List of Contents for Each Play Below:
Benten kozo
Futatsu chocho kuruwa nikki
Godairiki koi no fujime
Hiragana seisuiki
Ise ondo koi no netaba
Kokusen'ya kassen
Natsu matsuri naniwa kagami
Sesshu gappo ga Tsuji
Shinju ten no Amijima
Sugawara denju tenarai kagami
Tokaido yotsuya kaidan
Yoshitsune senbon zakura
Printed and Web Resources for Bunraku and Kabuki
by Paul Kennelly
Interactive Searching of the Japanese Texts
1. For acknowledgements and editorial notes, see the individual Kabuki plays.
2. The puppet play
Kanadehon Chushingura
3. For introductions to and bibliographies of individual plays, see
Kanadehon Chushingura
Shinju ten no Amijima
Sugawara denju tenarai kagami
, and
Yoshitsune senbon zakura
4. Displaying or inputting Japanese characters requires
software that can read and input Japanese software
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Japanese Text Initiative home page
Last revised March 19, 2003