Editorial Note

(Note: Displaying the Japanese characters below requires Japanese client software.)

The copy-text for the JTI e-text is Kaitei Saikaku Zenshu: Zen (Tokyo: Hakubunkan, 1930). In the copy-text a few passages are replaced by circles in place of words. For these brief passages we note the corresponding text in Saikakushu: Jo (Nihon Koten Bungaku Taikei, or NKBT, vol. 47; Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1957).

A percentage mark followed by a back slash (%\) in the copy-text indicates that the preceding two or rarely three kana should be repeated with the first kana glottalized (i.e., with a dakuten); there are also rare cases where this repetition applies to a preceding kanji, as in 暮%\.

The copy-text is reproduced without change; errors in the copy-text are not emended in this e-text. For example, the second line of our Ichidai onna e-text reads 心の花散ゆふべの燒木となれるは 何れか是をのがれじ。 By contrast, the text in the NKBT reads, 心の花散ゆふべの燒木となれるは何れ か是をのがれし。 We also follow the punctuation (or more literally, the lack of punctuation) in the copy-text. Kanji in the copy-text that are unavailable in the JIS code table, however, are replaced with kana.

To the Koshoku gonin onna contents

Last revised May 21, 1999