[To see a woodblock print (33K bytes) from a 19th-century edition of Ogura Hyakunin Isshu, illustrating one of the poems below, please click on the number of the poem. This version of the poems does not require Japanese client software that can interpret EUC code. For a version that does require a Japanese client, please click here. In the transliterated (Romaji) version of these poems, there should be macrons over o's or u's in a number of the authors' names or in words in the poems. For example, "Tenno" in the name of the first author should have a macron over the "o." Web browsers will not yet display macron characters, however (though SGML browsers such as Panorama will display macrons). Rather than use an ungainly substitute for macrons, such as "Tenchi Tennou," we have transliterated "o" with a macron simply as "o" and "u" with a macron as "u." Thus, Saigyo, which should have a macron over the "o," is "Saigyo" in this Web version.

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