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秋【あき】:天文 【てんもん】
aki: tenmon, Autumn: The Heavens

秋の声 【あきのこえ】 aki no koe, (あきのこゑ), voices of autumn [particularly at night: wind in trees, plants; patter of leaves, rain; insect cries; and so on] (all autumn).
秋声 【しゅうせい】 shūsei, autumnal voices
秋韻 【しゅういん】 shūin, autumnal tone [musical sense]
秋高し 【あきたかし】 aki takashi, autumn (is) spacious [of the skies; literally "autumn is high", but referring to skies, not equal to the English idiom "high autumn"] (all autumn).
天高し 【てんたかし】 ten takashi, skies (are) spacious / spacious skies [literally "heavens are high"]
鰯雲 【いわしぐも】 iwashigumo, mackerel clouds / cirro-cumulus [literally "sardine clouds"] (all autumn).
鱗雲 【うろこぐも】 urokogumo, fish-scale clouds
鯖雲 【さばぐも】 sabagumo, mackerel clouds [literal]
月 【つき】 tsuki, moon (all autumn).
秋の月 【あきのつき】 aki no tsuki, autumn moon
夕月 【ゆうづき】 yūzuki, evening moon
宵月 【よいづき】 yoizuki, evening moon
弦月 【げんげつ】 gengetsu, half/quarter moon [literally "bow-string moon", i.e. a moon shaped like a strung bow with its string]
弓張月 【ゆみはりづき】 yumiharizuki, half/quarter moon [literally "bow-stretched moon"]
初月 【はつづき】 first (visible) moon [of the eighth lunar month, approximately September]
二日月 【ふつかづき】 futsukazuki, second-day moon / second-day crescent [of the eighth lunar month]
三日月 【みかづき】 mikazuki(みっかづき), third-day moon / crescent moon [of the eighth lunar month]
新月 【しんげつ】 shingetsu, new moon / new crescent moon ["new moon" in its astronomical sense, i.e., "no moon", is a modern development, and shingetsu is sometimes used in this sense in modern haiku; however, "new crescent moon" is probably the most common understanding, referring to the first appearance of the moon in the eighth lunar month.]
名月 【めいげつ】 meigetsu, harvest moon [literally "famous moon"; all these kigo refer to the full moon of the eighth lunar month, usually in September] (mid autumn).
明月 【めいげつ】 meigetsu, bright moon
望月 【もちづき】 mochizuki, auspicious moon / full moon
満月 【まんげつ】 mangetsu, full moon [literal]
今日の月 【きょうのつき】 kyō no tsuki, today's moon
月今宵 【つきこよい】 tsuki koyoi, the moon this evening
芋名月 【いもめいげつ】 imo meigetsu, taro-famous moon [refers to practice of serving taro (a tuber similar to potato) on this night]
無月 【むげつ】 mugetsu, invisible moon / unseen moon [refers to the full moon of the eighth lunar month, usually in September, being invisible because of clouds, weather, and so on] (mid autumn).
後の月 【のちのつき】 nochi no tsuki, after-moon [that is, the full moon of the ninth lunar month, next in brightness to the full moon of the eighth lunar month; equivalent to the North American "hunter's moon"] (late autumn).
十三夜 【じゅうさんや】 jūsanya, the 13th night of the ninth lunar month [a full-moon night]
豆名月 【まめめいげつ】 mame-meigetsu, bean/lesser harvest moon
栗名月 【くりめいげつ】 kuri-meigetsu, chestnut harvest moon
天の川 【あまのがわ】 amanogawa, (あまのがは), Milky Way (early autumn).
銀河 【ぎんが】 ginga, Silver River / the galaxy [figurative for the Milky Way]
銀漢 【ぎんかん】 ginkan, Silver River [literally "Silver Han" = 銀河【ぎんが】 ginga, above]
流星 【りゅうせい】 ryūsei, (りうせい), meteor(s) / shooting star(s) / falling star(s) (all autumn).
流れ星 【ながれぼし】 flowing star(s) [literal]
星飛ぶ 【ほしとぶ】 hoshi tobu, a meteor flies / meteors fly [literally "a star flies / stars fly"]
夜這星 【よばいぼし】 yobaiboshi, night-crawling star(s) / night-trailing star(s) [both literal]
秋風 【あきかぜ】 akikaze, autumn breeze / autumn wind [carries with it the sound of rustling leaves] (all autumn).
秋風 【しゅうふう】 shūfū, autumn breeze / autumn wind
秋の風 【あきのかぜ】 aki no kaze, autumn breeze / autumn wind
野分 【のわき】 nowaki, equinoctial storm / line storm [literally "field-divider"; apparently an old name for "typhoon", in haikai understood to emphasize the wind, as opposed to typhoons in which rain is most prominent] (mid autumn).
野わけ 【のわけ】 nowake, equinoctial storm / line storm
台風 【たいふう】 颱風taifū, typhoon [note: typhoons (Pacific) are essentially the same as hurricanes (Atlantic), developing from tropical storms in their respective oceans] (mid autumn).
台風圏 【たいふうけん】 taifūken, typhoon area/range
台風裡 【たいふうり】 taifū-ri, back of (a/the) typhoon
台風眼 【たいふうのめ】 taifū no me, eye of (a/the) typhoon
芋嵐 【いもあらし】 imo-arashi, taro-storm / taro-tempest [wind strong enough to batter the leaves of a taro plant] (mid autumn).
秋の雨 【あきのあめ】 aki no ame, autumn rain (all autumn).
秋雨 【あきさめ】 akisame, autumn rain
稲妻 【いなずま】 inazuma, (いなづま), heat lightning / lightning [literally "rice lightning"; in a clear sky, without thunder or rain] (all autumn).
稲光 【いなびかり】 inabikari, lightning flash
霧 【きり】 kiri, autumn mist / fog [see note "On Haze, Mist, Fog"] (all autumn).
狭霧 【さぎり】 sagiri, thin fog / thin autumn mist
霧襖 【きりふすま】 kirifusuma(きりぶすま), wall of fog/mist [literally "fog fusuma", sliding door of fog]
露 【つゆ】 tsuyu, dew [avoid confusion with homonym 梅雨【つゆ】 tsuyu, rainy season, in summer] (all autumn).
白露 【はくろ】 hakuro, white dew
露の玉 【つゆのたま】 tsuyu no tama, dew drop
露けし 【つゆけし】 tsuyukeshi, heavy with dew / dew-laden [carries classical overtone of tearfulness]
露しぐれ 【つゆしぐれ】 tsuyu shigure, dew shower
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University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center Japanese Text Initiative Japanese Haiku: A Topical Dictionary