University of Virginia, Etext Center, Japanese Haiku Topical Dictionary
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     We are grateful to the Toshiba International Foundation for invaluable support for this topical dictionary of Japanese haiku.

     We owe particular debts of gratitude to William Higginson and to Lewis Cook, whose work made the haiku dictionary possible. Mr. Higginson is responsible for the translations of the brief entries and some of the full entries, for proofing the full entries, and for the description of the saijiki and the bibliography. Mr. Cook translated many of the full entries, proofed the other entries, and advised on the images.

     We are also grateful to the Museum of Haiku Literature in Tokyo for giving Mr. Higginson permission to translate the Nyūmon Saijiki.

     Thanks to: Rei Magosaki and Sachiko Iwabuchi for translating some of the full entries; to Aya Kuramoto and Yi Zhang for locating images; and to Karen Wyland for processing images.

     Indispensable to the project were Garry Barrow, who designed the Web pages; Chris Ruotolo, technical manager of the project; and Sachiko Iwabuchi, who coordinated the texts and images.

     Thanks to the following people for giving us permission to use their audio files:

Tohru Miyazawa at for files for kaminari, akinokoe, and wataridori
Kazuyuki Hashimoto at for akinokoe
(財)奈良の鹿愛護会 and 奈良県文化観光課 for shika
Miyakawa at for semi
Kazuyoshi Iwashita for hibari, hototogisu, and hatsu-suzume

Thanks also to the people who permitted us to use their images. The source of each image is listed under the large version of the image.

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Last Modified: 03-11-2025
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University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center Japanese Text Initiative Japanese Haiku: A Topical Dictionary