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Brief Entries

秋【あき】:行事 【ぎょうじ】
aki: gyōji, Autumn: Observances

重陽 【ちょうよう】 chōyō, (ちょうやう), Chrysanthemum Festival [literally "repeated sun"; approximately mid October] (late autumn).
重九 【ちょうきゅう】 chōkyū, Chrysanthemum Festival [literally "repeated nines", referring to the traditional date, the 9th day of the 9th lunar month]
菊の節句 【きくのせっく】 kiku no sekku, Chrysanthemum Festival [literal]
終戦記念日 【しゅうせんきねんび】 shūsenkinenbi, War's End Memorial Day [15 August (1945); commemorates the end of WWII] (early autumn).
終戦日 【しゅうせんび】 shūsenbi, War's End Day
敗戦忌 【はいせんき】 haisenki, defeat anniversary
敗戦日 【はいせんび】 haisenbi, defeat day
敬老の日 【けいろうのひ】 keirō no hi, (けいらうのひ), Senior Citizens Day [15 September] (mid autumn).
老人の日 【ろうじんのひ】 rōjin no hi, Venerables Day
年寄の日 【としよりのひ】 toshiyori no hi, Day of the Elderly
赤い羽根 【あかいはね】 akai hane, Red Feather [Community Chest donar symbol] (late autumn).
愛の羽根 【あいのはね】 ai no hane, Auspicious Feather / Love Feather
七夕 【たなばた】 tanabata, Tanabata / Festival of the Weaver [literally "seventh evening", referring to the traditional date, the 7th day of the 7th lunar month; about mid August, but now celebrated 7 July some places, 7 August others] (early autumn).
七夕祭 【たなばたまつり】 tanabata matsuri, Tanabata Festival / Festival of the Weaver
星祭 【ほしまつり】 hoshi matsuri, Star Festival
星迎 【ほしむかえ】 hoshimukae, star greeting / greeting stars
星合 【ほしあい】 hoshiai, star meeting / meeting stars
星今宵 【ほしこよい】 hoshi koyoi, the stars this evening
七夕竹 【たなばただけ】 tanabatadake, Tanabata bamboo [from which a card with a poem or other inscription on it is hung]
七夕流し 【たなばたながし】 tanabata nagashi, Tanabata send-off [objects such as Tanabata inscriptions thrown into a river or sea at the end of the festival]
盂蘭盆 【うらぼん】 urabon, Bon Festival / Lantern Festival / Festival of the Dead [13-16 August] (early autumn).
盂蘭盆会 【うらぼんえ】 urabon'e, Bon Festival / Lantern Festival / Festival of the Dead
盆 【ぼん】 bon, Bon Festival / Obon
墓参 【はかまいり】 hakamairi, (はかまゐり), grave visit / visiting graves [in preparation for Bon Festival] (early autumn).
墓参 【ぼさん】 bosan, grave visit
展墓 【てんぼ】 tenbo, visiting grave(s) [includes notion of cleaning up]
掃苔 【そうたい】 sōtai, brushing moss [off the grave or gravestone]
墓洗う 【はかあらう】 haka arau, (to) wash/clean the grave/gravestone
流燈 【りゅうとう】 ryūtō, (りうとう), floating lantern [in connection with Bon Festival] (early autumn).
燈籠流し 【とうろうながし】 tōrō nagashi, floating lanterns send-off
精霊流し 【しょうりょうながし】 shōryō nagashi, spirits send-off
踊 【おどり】 odori, (Bon Festival) dance/dancing [note that while this is the common word for dancing, in haikai it always means dancing at Obon unless otherwise specified] (early autumn).
盆踊 【ぼんおどり】 bon odori, Bon Festival dance/dancing
踊子 【おどりこ】 odoriko, dancing woman / dancing girl
踊の輪 【おどりのわ】 odori no wa, ring/circle of dancers
踊唄 【おどりうた】 odori uta, dancing song
踊櫓 【おどりやぐら】 odori yagura, (Bon Festival) dance stand [elevated platform with musicians and singers around which people dance in a ring]
秋祭 【あきまつり】 aki matsuri, autumn festival (all autumn).
村祭 【むらまつり】 mura matsuri, village festival
在祭 【ざいまつり】 zaimatsuri, local festival
子規忌 【しきき】 shiki-ki, Shiki's (Death) Anniversary / Shiki's Memorial Day [19 September, in honor of 正岡子規【まさおか・しき】 Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902), modern haiku and tanka poet, essayist, critic] (early autumn).
糸瓜忌 【へちまき】 hechima-ki, Sponge-gourd Anniversary [after the 糸瓜【へちま】 hechima sponge-gourd plant, used as medicine against phlegm for his tuberculosis, featured in many of his haiku]
獺祭忌 【だっさいき】 dassai-ki, Otter Festival Anniversary [after Shiki's important newspaper column 「獺祭書屋俳話【だっさいしょおくはいわ】」 dassai sho-oku haiwa, "Haiku Talks from the Otter's Den"]
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University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center Japanese Text Initiative Japanese Haiku: A Topical Dictionary