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冬【ふゆ】:植物 【しょくぶつ】
fuyu: shokubutsu, Winter: Plants

帰り花 【かえりばな】 kaeribana, (かへりばな), returning flowers (early winter).
返り花 【かえりばな】 kaeribana, returning flowers [carries the overtone of "fading"]
忘れ花 【わすればな】 wasurebana, forgetful flowers / forgotten flowers [forgetful of the time of year / bloomed some time ago and unexpectedly returned]
帰り咲 【かえりざき】 kaerizaki, return flowering / return of flowering
狂い咲 【くるいざき】 kuruizaki, off-season flowering [literally "confused flowering"]
山茶花 【さざんか】 sazanka, (さざんくわ), sasanqua [Camellia sasanqua, a member of the camellia family, but note its later bloom-time] (early winter).
茶花 【さざんか】 sazanka, sasanqua [not to be confused with 茶花【ちゃばな】 chabana, "tea flowers", an informal flower arrangement for tea ceremony (not a season word)]
姫椿 【ひめつばき】 himetsubaki, sasanqua [literally "princess-camellia"]
小椿 【こつばき】 kotsubaki, sasanqua [literally "small camellia"]
八手のはな 【やつでのはな】 yatsude no hana, Japanese aralia blossoms / Japanese fatsia blossoms [Fatsia japonica] (early winter).
柊の花 【ひいらぎのはな】 hiiragi no hana, (ひひらぎのはな), holly osmanthus blossoms / holly tea-olive blossoms [Osmanthus heterophyllus, similar to English holly Ilex aquifolium] (early winter).
茶の花 【ちゃのはな】 cha no hana, tea blossoms [Thea sinensis] (early winter).
蜜柑 【みかん】 mikan, mikan / mandarin orange [fruit of the Citrus reticulata] (all winter).
枇杷のはな 【びわのはな】 biwa no hana, (びはのはな), loquat blossom(s) (mid winter).
紅葉散る 【もみじちる】 momiji chiru, (もみぢちる), red leaves fall / colored leaves fall (early winter).
木の葉 【このは】 ko-no-ha, leaves of trees [noted for drying, falling, blowing in wind] (all winter).
木の葉散る 【このはちる】 ko-no-ha chiru, tree-leaves fall
落葉 【おちば】 ochiba, fallen leaves (all winter).
落葉焚 【おちばたき】 ochiba-taki, leaf fire
落葉掻 【おちばかき】 ochiba-kaki, leaf rake
落葉籠 【おちばかご】 ochiba-kago, leaf basket
枯木 【かれき】 kareki, withered tree(s) / leafless tree(s) (all winter).
冬木立 【ふゆこだち】 fuyu kodachi, winter grove (of trees)
裸木 【はだかぎ】 hadakagi, naked/leafless trees
冬枯 【ふゆがれ】 fuyugare, winter withering (all winter).
枯るる 【かるる】 karuru, (to) wither / (to) be withered [in winter]
水仙 【すいせん】 suisen, (すゐせん), narcissus [Narcissus tazetta] (late winter).
枯菊 【かれぎく】 karegiku, withered chrysanthemums (all winter).
菊枯る 【きくかる】 kiku karu, chrysanthemums wither
枯蓮 【かれはす】 kare-hasu, withered lotus(es) (all winter).
蓮枯る 【はすかる】 hasu karu, lotuses wither / lotus withers
白菜 【はくさい】 hakusai, Chinese cabbage / bok choy [Brassica sinensis] (all winter).
葱 【ねぎ】 negi, stone leek(s) [Allium fistulosum, also known as "Welch onions"] (all winter).
根深 【ねぶか】 nebuka, stone leek(s) [literally "root-deep"]
葉葱 【はねぎ】 hanegi, leafy leek(s)
大根 【だいこん】 daikon, daikon [the Japanese white radish, Raphanus sativas, much used in cooking] (all winter).
枯草 【かれくさ】 karekusa, withered plants [includes more than grasses] (all winter).
草枯 【くさがれ】 kusagare, the withering of plants
枯尾花 【かれおばな】 kare-obana, (かれをばな), withered pampas grass [Miscanthus sinensis] (all winter).
枯芒 【かれすすき】 kare-susuki, withered pampas grass
冬芒 【ふゆすすき】 fuyu-susuki, winter pampas grass
枯芝 【かれしば】 kare-shiba, withered lawn / withered turf (all winter).
枯葎 【かれむぐら】 kare-mugura, withered creepers [refers to 金葎【かなむぐら】 kanamugura, Humulus japonicus], sometimes called "Japanese hop(s)" or "Japanese hemp"] (all winter).
石蕗の花 【つわのはな】 tsuwa no hana, (つはのはな), rock butterbur flowers / rock fuki flowers [literal renderings; Farfugium japonicum, also known as 石蕗【つわぶき】 tsuwabuki; a garden variety, aureomaculata, has spotted leaves and is called "leopard plant"] (early winter).
冬萌 【ふゆもえ】 fuyu-moe, winter sprouts [first green sprouts under winter-withered plants] (late winter).
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University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center Japanese Text Initiative Japanese Haiku: A Topical Dictionary