University of Virginia, Etext Center, Japanese Haiku Topical Dictionary
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Brief Entries

新年【しんねん】:植物 【しょくぶつ】
shinnen: shokubutsu, New Year: Plants

歯朶 【しだ】 shida, fern [used in New Year's decorations; while generic in common usage, in haikai used specifically for the following] (New Year).
裏白 【うらじろ】 urajiro, resurrection fern [literally "back-side white"; Gleichenia japonica, also known as G. glauca and Polypodium polypodioides; note that all kigo here are common names for this fern]
山草 【やまぐさ】 yamagusa, mountain plant [literal]
穂長 【ほなが】 honaga, long-ear [as of "seeds"; literal]
諸向 【もろむき】 muromuki, facing around [literal; refers to facing the fern's white leaf-backs to the front in displays]
福寿草 【ふくじゅそう】 fukujusō, (ふくじゆさう), pheasant's eye [Adonis amurensis] (New Year).
元日草 【がんじつそう】 ganjitsusō, New Year's Day plant [literal]
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Last Modified: 03-11-2025
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University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center Japanese Text Initiative Japanese Haiku: A Topical Dictionary